Say Hello
by Carol Sandford
Disclaimer is in force - as it was for the last one but I forgot. Erk!


I hear it coming.

I ~feel~ it coming.

She's been gone for six whole days, and I have lived for this moment. I have
gone through hell and back, waiting and wanting for this one special moment.

She's been gone before, but her arrival still evokes the same level of
excitement from me.

Or was it love.

Yes, I think it is. I love to see Deanna return from a trip away, but not as
much as I love to hear her utter that one word that fills my soul with a
happiness that is undeniably, and soley her doing.

No one else has that power. No one else makes me feel the way that she does when she steps off that shuttle, or the transporter and utters that one word.

But its not just the word. Its the way she looks at me. Its the way her presence washes over me making me feel glad to be alive and even gladder to have the
priveledge of being the only recipricant of that feeling.

It's times like this when I know we belong together. That her feelings are the
same as mine.

That we share our days, our dreams, and our memories, together.

These moments.

This one moment that reminds of everything that we are.


She's grinning at me and I know I am grinning even wider, and as her arms reach for me as mine reach for her, that one word slips out, as natural as breathing. As precious as our love.


